
Thursday, May 8, 2008

Wholly Wholesome Vegan Pies

John invited friends over for dinner and being gracious guests, they brought dessert. I was nervous; it is uncomfortable to turn a guests food down! I was immensely grateful when John informed me that he told them I was vegan! Anyway, John has since become semi-addicted to these pies and we ended up buying another one a few weeks later. The peach was excellent, as was the apple. The company's website is a bit outdated because I typed in my zip code in "where to buy" and it gave me a grocery store that has been closed since we moved to Oregon almost a year ago. Regardless, the pie is delicious!

1 comment:

JoLynn said...

Your blog is the BEST! I'm not a vegan, but look at your blog often. You come up with the best ideas & I've shared your blog w/many of my friends.