
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Snacks from The Kiva

I found some goodies at a store called The Kiva. They are a small grocer and wine merchant in the downtown area carrying gifts, books, produce, and much more. They have a great selection of various raw and/or vegan foods, household items, cosmetics, etc. A new Lara Bar flavor, Key Lime Pie, was my highlight. It was very tasty! I also bought a locally made vegan "Peanut Butter Cookie Bar" that was a slight disappointment. The peanut butter was really just peanuts. Great crust though.

And finally, orange flavored, vegan chapstick! I have been guiltily using up my Burt's Bees. I made a promise to John when I first decided to be a vegan that I would not waste anything I currently owned. Cosmetics are tricky because they last a long time! Slowly but surely, I am filtering the vegan products in!!!

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